I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts. We have returned from our out of town vacations and are settling back into our routines.
Shelby Angel is doing great! She has finished her heart worm treatment and we are scheduling her last follow up this week. She was fine for her first check-up, and will no doubt be just fine for this one too. She has never been healthier or happier! It has been so much fun fun to watch her personality emerge over the past month or two. She is just a happy little, I mean chunky, thing.

You know, Shelby and Cayenne have been good friends since day one. Rooney, however, was a little mad we brought in a big female that stole his toys and took away a lot of attention. However, I found them sleeping together on the couch the other day.... could there be a friendship forming? And, I caught him licking her ear yesterday- the first sign of affection he has ever shared with Shelby. Yesterday I watched them steal bones back and forth from each other- no animosity. It was game to them! And just now, I watched Roo steal Shelby's toy right from under her nose. Shelby just looked like..."dang! how did I let that happen." And she searched the room for Roo's toy. ha ha!!!
Today Dave and I bought 2 more dog beds from
Lazy Bones Beds. They donated a bed to Shelby Angel last year, and all of the dogs loved it. If you are looking for a stylish, dog friendly, small business product that supports local materials- please check them out. The beds are beautiful and are great accessories for a house, as opposed to ugly, furry cushions that just get in the way.

Here is Shelby Angel, checking out the two new beds on the left. Of course I liked the traditional patterns, and Dave picked out the dog pattern for Rooney because he wanted Roo to have a manly bed. Ha ha!!!

Here is Rooney-still stealing Shelby's bed...chewing on his new toy.

And Cayenne- enjoying her brand new bed...with a demolished toy. :)