Shelby Angel is still in need of a good home. She is a true sweetheart, and a good friend. She is looking for someone to spend a lot of time with her, snuggle with her, and just continue to show her that life is good. She has made leaps and bounds as she has healed and become more secure in her trust that every day will be a good day.
Time is of essence to help this gorgeous dog with a heart of gold. Please consider adopting Shelby Angel, and pass along her blog to anyone you know that may be able to help Shelby Angel find a home.
Hey Damie! I have been keeping track of Shelby Angel for awhile, and reposted your blog on facebook. My aunt in Nashville saw it and is going to contact you about Shelby Angel. She may want to adopt her, depending if her home would be a good fit. I believe she has some cats and is looking for a good therapy dog to take to nursing homes, etc. She has a cat with only three legs that she has cared for since a baby so she has a heart for animals with special needs. But if you don't think Shelby Angel would be a good fit please don't hesitate to let her know. If she contacts you let me know. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHey Brooke! Thanks for writing! I wasn't sure how to get back in touch with you- I know I did have your email but can't find it! I talked to your aunt, and she is looking for a smaller dog as Shelby Angel is 50#. I did hear of a great full-blooded, small rescue dog that lived with an elderly lady (who had to go to assisted living and could not bring the dog) that would probably be a great fit if she is interested. I will see if I can forward her the email. Take care and please keep in touch!
ReplyDeleteHi Damie! Right now I am SO wishing that I were closer to you - I would take Shelby for two reasons: first of all, she is almost a dead ringer for my Lacey, who was a rescue 6 years ago at the age of 4 - the main difference is that Lacey has more black on her muzzle and she weighs about 30 lbs more than Shelby; the second reason is that I have a 3-year-old granddaughter named Shelby (whom I have never and probably will never meet). God bless you for saving this beautiful little dog - you've earned your place in heaven, my friend. I hope Shelby soon finds her forever home.
ReplyDeletehi! i received an email about shelby needing a home ASAP! I am interested in fostering her instead of her being pts! i really can't keep her for long, but i'd rather do it than her be put down! please email me at jennabostick@gmail.com